Gingko House, a social enterprise, established "Lohas Organic Farm" in 2009, which has obtained organic certification (C10007). The farm mainly produces organic agricultural products, promotes organic food culture, expands the local organic agriculture market, and enhances public awareness of green living through general education activities.
We hope to merge the energy of the earth with the spirit of nature through natural farming methods and coexist with the beautiful land. We inject joy into this blessed corner and hope to share it with the public while providing healthier lifestyle choices.
Our farming relies on homemade "environmentally friendly enzymes" as a natural insect repellent and fertilizer, supplemented with organic fertilizers. We are located near a mountain and river, irrigated with unpolluted water sources, and cultivate a variety of organic fruits and vegetables. Our vegetables have rich fibers and distinct layers of taste.

The Ruby of the Plant Kingdom - Organic Roselle

Our organic hibiscus tea, available in individual packaging, is made using the finest organic roselle from Lohas Organic Farm- the Ruby of the Plant Kingdom. We have also partnered with "Grandma's Soup," a meaningful employment program for seniors, for the launch of this product. This beverage is not only beautiful, slimming, healthy, and meaningful, but also comes with our guarantee of quality. Most importantly, it tastes great!

​Super Signature  Organic Salted Kumquats

Lohas Organic Farm's super signature - organic salted kumquats - is the result of three years of preparation by our senior farmer team. We have cultivated the most natural organic kumquats, and after three years of careful preparation by our senior artisans, we have created the perfect organic salted kumquat special drink.

Organic Lemongrass

Lohas Organic Farm's lemongrass is full of the refreshing scent of lemon and has therapeutic properties for rheumatism and headaches. It also has the ability to prevent colds. By adding lime, the taste is sweet and sour with a fresh aroma, and it can instantly relieve your senses upon drinking.